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Finishing the Book

My husband gave me a fiction book to read during Christmas break. He finished it and passed it along. He warned me it was intense, but was important for me to read.

When it comes to selecting the books I read, I’m extremely choosy. I try to guard my heart and mind with the things I consume. When it comes to books, I get very invested, and some books are too much for me to handle. This particular book isn’t an end-of-times book, yet it is. It tells a story of a very possible catastrophic event that could happen to our country and the struggles we would face in the aftermath.

After I read the first three chapters, I gave him the book back and said I can’t do it. It was putting me into a fear cycle. Jonathan gave me a brief summary and shared the ending, who lives and who does not. After finding out the major losses, I was better equipped to finish the book. I knew the ending.

This reminds me of our faith journey. Just like I needed to know the ending of the book, we get to know the ending of our world. God was kind enough to give us the conclusion. Spoiler alert. God wins!

While we can become overwhelmed with the evil in our current day, God has won the war. We know, that if we forge ahead, take the narrow road, and persevere till the end, we can feast at the table with Abraham, Issac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 8:11)

While we all get discouraged at the state of our current world, we must keep in mind God is in control. Keep your eyes on Him, and keep running your race.

“Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” (Hebrews 12:1-2)

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Always Alert

I recently took a quick trip back home to attend a family Christmas party. On the return trip my father, who was driving us to the airport, pulled over at the terminal so we could get out. We grabbed our bags and headed inside.

As I looked down to step up onto the curb, I noticed a one hundred dollar bill on the ground folded up. I quickly assessed the situation. The bill looked smaller than normal and why would it be lying here in this heavily trafficked area? I looked up and saw two baggage handlers staring down at the bill. I walked by it and then looked back at them as they picked up the bill. Our eyes met and they started laughing. I gave them a hard time, in a jovial manner, about creating their own entertainment and messing with people.

They had planted the bill intentionally to catch people thinking the bill was real and watch how they reacted. It was early in the morning so I could see how someone would mistake the bill for real. Thankfully I was alert enough not to fall for their trick.

This reminds me of our faith journey. While this was an innocent prank, it did make me realize we must stay alert.

The Bible says to “Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world.” (1 Peter 5:8-9)

While the game the baggage handlers were playing was fairly innocent, the devil’s schemes are not. He is seeking to destroy. We must be on alert, always ready, constantly praying for wisdom and discernment, being vigilant to his tricks and attacks, especially when the stakes are so high.

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Greener Grass

One afternoon I was trying to encourage my eight-year-old daughter in the kitchen. She was feeling discontent about her current situation and was lamenting she wasn’t doing something else. I reminded her of the saying, “The grass is always greener on the other side.” To which she replied to me, “Not unless you water it.”

I’m not confident she understood the meaning of what I said, nevertheless, her reply stunned me. Her comment was innocent and unknowing. As I pondered what she said, I realized how much depth there was to the statement.

While my daughter’s response was meant to be literal, it has a greater meaning. When we find ourselves discontent with our life or a situation, instead of coveting what others have or cycling in self-pity, invest in your lot. Your neighbor’s grass may be greener, however, instead of desiring their home, seed and water your grass.

This reminds me of our faith journey. We can easily covet those around us, or wallow in the things we don’t have. Instead, change the things you can. Invest in yourself and the people around you. Make your grass greener.

One way to make your grass greener is to water your soul with the words given to us by our most Holy God. There is a reason He left us the Bible, because we need it! We need its guidance, comfort, and encouragement.

Feed your soul with the only living words available. Psalm 23:1-3 sums up this message nicely.

“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside quiet waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.”

Water your grass with the only thing that brings contentment, comfort, and peace.

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Proper Perspective

When I was in high school my family went on a cruise. We entered the boat anxious to find our cabin. After my brother and I had settled into our shared room, he ran up to my dad’s room (we were not on the same level) and started raving about how wonderful our room was.

My father’s face was marked with confusion. My parent’s room was on a higher level with a water view. Our room was on a lower level, an interior room (obviously the cheaper option). My father couldn’t comprehend my brother’s enthusiasm regarding his room, so he followed him down to the lower levels. My dad thought surely there was a mistake. Why had they given us such a great room?

My teenage brother escorted him into the room, promptly shut the door behind him, and turned off the lights. Then he declared, “Total darkness!” With the door shut and the lights off, our room was pitch black. There was no light seeping in through anywhere. For a teenage boy who had a master’s in sleeping, this was a dream come true. He could sleep as late, and as long as he wanted without any light disturbing his slumber.

My dad shook his head and laughed. To him, this room was second-class, inferior to his. To my brother, he wouldn’t trade this obscure haven for anything. Perspective.

This reminds me of our faith journey. When we are in Christ, we have an eternal perspective. God has already won the war. In our sinful world, sometimes we forget this. We want justice now, yet He is reigning over all.

We must remember we are playing the long game, and making choices to please God, not man. “For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.” (Galatians 1:10)

Our Christian perspective influences everything we do. Our decisions are made because we are looking ahead at eternity with Christ. We are not here to please ourselves, we are here to glorify Him.

“The Lord is in his holy temple; the Lord’s throne is in heaven.” (Psalm 11:4)

How lucky we are to have our loving Father in heaven looking out for us, protecting us, and guiding us. When we get caught up with the stresses and trials of this world, may we lift up our eyes and remember He is on the throne.

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Zestful Zinnias

I was discussing flowers one day with a friend who is more knowledgeable about floral care than I am. I was bemoaning how the deer had snipped off all my sunflowers, yet left the flowers immediately in from of them.

She asked me what kind they were. I showed her a picture and she told me they were zinnias. She said if I trim the flowers when they bloom, more will come, lots more. I thought this odd because in my experience that’s not how the other flowers had worked. I decided to try it and sure enough, she was right.

I cut flowers to enjoy in my home and more grew back. The best part about these flowers is the deer left them alone. Zinnias also attract beautiful butterflies.

This reminds me of our faith journey. When we trim the sin in our lives, it allows God to help us bloom in other areas. When we eliminate sin or idols we draw closer to Him. If we repent of the things we do wrong, He washes us clean and makes us new in Him.

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9)

We are never going to be sinless, but the more we prune and trim sin from our lives, the more space we give God to help us grow. Sin infects our lives, using up valuable resources. If it stays there untouched, or worse continues to grow, it will wreak havoc. It will remain and grow bigger until we become aware and take action against it, with God’s help.

On our own, it’s very hard to eliminate a sinful habit or indulgence. Have you ever tried and failed? I have plenty of times. When I go humbly to my loving Father and ask for His help, that is when I am able to mortify the sin.

The result of trimming my zinnias leads to a colorful array in my kitchen. Whereas, defeating our sin guides us closer to the Lord, and the peace and joy that follow.

“For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 6:23)

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Breathtaking Beauty

Many people travel to the beach during the summer. The sun and sand and ocean are extremely restorative. 

When you reflect on your vacation, you usually remember the positive things; your feet in the sand, the laughs you shared with family, the yummy food you consumed, strolling along the shore, or jumping waves with your kids. 

What you don’t focus on, or maybe we block out, is the hours upon hours you spend shopping for food, packing, and loading and unloading the car. You don’t dwell on the twenty trips you made walking up and down the stairs carrying bins of supplies and suitcases. We don’t think about the sweat you poured out while packing the car in 90+ degree heat. We don’t focus on these things because the time by the water overshadows the rest. The days of relaxation are worth the work. 

This reminds me of our faith journey. Being a Christian is hard. It’s not easy, recall the ‘narrow gate.’ We have years of trials and challenges. All the while learning to be a servant of Christ, to mortify our sins and worldly desires daily.

When we are packing up the car and the kids are fighting and we’re hot and exhausted and we haven’t even left, I wonder if it’s even worth it. Is the trouble worth the trip? Once I’m there, see the view, and listen to the sounds of the waves, I remember, yes it is. The destination is worth the journey.

“He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” (Revelation 21:4)

“Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise.” (Luke 23:43)

So, as you endeavor through the days and wonder if all the preparations, work, and effort are worth it; consider arriving at the feet of your Heavenly Father, and the rest and restoration He provides, not just then in that moment but for all moments for the rest of your moments, for eternity.

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Ready Position

I was playing tennis with some friends one day, and my partner mentioned twice during our friendly match that I consistently keep my racket in ready position. This means I hold it up above the net, ready to hit the ball if it comes my way (similar to Djokovic shown in the picture). I never thought much about this. I guess it’s ingrained in me from years of playing tennis as a kid.

Regardless, this comment got me thinking. I hold my racket in this position so when the ball comes my way, I am in the game. I might not hit the perfect return shot, heck it might not even go over, but I am prepared. This position allows me to turn either way depending on where the ball goes.

This reminds me of our faith journey. Are we in ready position? Are we prepared for Him to use us in any way He wants? Are we equipped to be an encouragement to our friends or neighbors? Are we trained to discuss our faith with strangers?

Are we prepared for when Christ comes back? Are we taking His return seriously so we can join him? Have we repented of our sinful ways and committed our lives to Him?

“Be on guard, keep awake. For you do not know when the time will come.” (Mark 13:33). We need to be ready to thwart sin when it arises tempting us to stray from God. We must be primed to be His servant doing whatever He asks. We need to be prepared to push aside our selfish ways and stand firm for the Kingdom.

Are you ready?

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Slow Sloths

We recently visited Dallas, Texas, and toured their downtown aquarium. We observed many different animals including sharks that swam above us in a large glass observation area.

One of the most fascinating animals in my mind was the sloth. I had never seen one in person before. To watch this creature move so slowly was mind-boggling. It was as if you were watching a slow-motion video. If you have ever seen the movie Zootopia, they do an excellent depiction of a sloth character.

This reminds me of our faith journey. Sometimes our sanctification can feel like the motion of a sloth. In our busy world, the faster the better. We expect things without having to wait for them. We want our packages tomorrow, we want the internet site to appear in less than a second (otherwise we move on), and we want our food delivered at the restaurant faster than people can actually make the food.

Sanctification works very opposite of our we-want-it-now society. God’s timing is perfect, but sometimes slow in our opinion. God is looking at the long view, and we are thinking about tomorrow. We want our prayers answered immediately, and our fruit to develop swiftly.

Oftentimes, you can’t even see how God is working until you look in the rearview mirror. “He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” (Philippians 1:6)

Rest assured, your prayers will be answered, but not always how or when you expect. These things happen in His time, not ours. Like the sloth, our sanctification can feel painful at times.  

“With the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.” (2 Peter 3:8-9)

God is sovereign over time and our sanctification, may we find patience and joy as we wait while He does a good work in us.

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Seriously Straight

My kids joke that I missed my calling as a dentist or dental hygienist. I find all teeth-related things fascinating. Especially when an adult tooth is trying to emerge into their young mouth. How does it know where to go and how fast to travel down the path? God is amazing in how he designed us.

In the last year, my daughters have had a fair amount of dental work done. Lots of lost teeth, spacers being put in, molds being made, braces, etc. This is probably why teeth are on my mind.

How could teeth possibly remind me of our faith journey? Well, they arrive slowly. They move in such small increments we can’t visibly see them. We see progress in days, weeks, and months.

Isn’t that like our faith journey? Progress is hard to notice as God slowly sanctifies us. One act of repentance at a time. We grow slowly as He molds and changes our hearts, interests, and goals. He doesn’t work quickly, but rather over the long run.

You can’t always judge the changes in your heart daily, you need to look in the rearview mirror. Only then will you see how God has been working in your life, and you can recognize His transforming work.

Keep pursuing Him, and He will set your course straight. “In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” (Proverbs 3:6)

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Verifying Voices

It was a rainy Tuesday morning and I was headed to the bank to rummage through our safety deposit box. My mission was to find my husband’s passport. We were preparing to travel and I was gathering the necessary documents to get TSA approved.

Inside the bank, I requested access to our box. The employee informed me I was not on the account. I asked if we could call my husband and have him add me to the account. I learned they could only do this if an employee at the bank had encountered enough interactions with him that they could verify his voice. I thought this was slightly odd but awaited their response. Had my husband frequented the bank enough that his voice could be verified over the phone?

A teller spoke up and said she could recognize his voice. We made the call and I got added to the account. This gave testimony to my husband’s personality. His friendly demeanor and tall stature make him easy to recognize and remember. While I wasn’t successful in finding the passport, the adventure got me thinking about our unique voices.

It reminds me of God. He knows our distinctive voices. He knows the tone and cadence of our voice better than anybody, He created us after all. In addition to our voice, He knows our hearts and thoughts. God knows when we are praising Him or speaking slander about someone. He also knows when we are hurting so greatly we can’t even put words together.

God can recognize our voice, but can we recognize His? Are we getting to know Him through the words in the Bible? He won’t yell at us through the frenzy, we must carve out stillness to hear Him. “Be still, and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10)